Part 3: Energy Circulation

Crypto de' Medici
5 min readAug 1, 2020

As you begin to retain your semen, a flood of energy begins to bubble within your loins. The energy that you once ejaculated is now being kept internally. This energy is causing you to have more aggression, fixate on females, and be intense. Your body does not know how to handle all the energy you are cultivating. It has never gone a long time retaining semen and the energy is something new to it.

The energy you are accumulating is stuck in your balls. Discomfort in the form of blue balls happens when you get sexually aroused. The energy is not being circulated because you don’t know how to circulate it.

This post will explain how to circulate the energy stuck in your balls and get it moving throughout your body. Energy circulation is vital in getting the most of semen retention and converting sexual energy to higher levels of potent higher consciousness states.

Microcosmic Orbit

Microcosmic orbit is the natural energetic flow of the body. This is the flow of energy that allows the individual to circulate their energy and absorb the sexual energy that stays within the balls during semen retention.

This channel of energy runs from the perineum up the spine to the head, down the throat and rests at the stomach ending back at the perineum.

The flow of energy is in this direction.

Your focus is to learn how to circulate your energy and move the energy from your balls to your head and down to your stomach. You want to push the energy from your balls up your spine.

You will feel this happen in real time when you have blue balls. Blue balls is when there is so much sexual energy that has not been moved and begins to cause pain. When you circulate your energy you will begin to notice that you can get rid of blue balls merely by breathing and focusing on moving the energy through the microcosmic orbit.

For all of this to happen and for you to make legitimate advances in energy circulation you must believe in the microcosmic orbit. You must believe in being able to move your sexual energy from your balls throughout your body.

Circulating Energy

The cornerstone of circulating your sexual energy is the pc muscle. This muscle is one you activate when you squeeze your asshole. This muscle is one that is activated when you stop peeing midstream. Take a piss and you will see exactly what I am talking about.

Squeeze pc muscle to push energy up spine

The pc muscle is important in learning how to control your sexual organ when having sex. Squeezing the pc muscle before you are going to ejaculate can stop the act of ejaculating and keep it internal.

The pc muscle acts as a pump that pumps the energy in your balls up your spine. In the beginning you will squeeze your pc muscle many times and imagine the energy from your balls being pushed up the spine every time you squeeze your pc muscle.

Sit down with your balls hanging out on the edge or stand up straight with spine erect. Close your eyes and get in a meditative state. Observe and feel your energetic state.

Direct your eyeballs up towards the top side of your head in the direction you want the energy from your balls to flow. Start squeezing your pc muscle and feel the energy from your balls slowly start moving up your spine. Imagine the energy moving up your spine. Feel the warmth of the energy moving up to your head. Squeeze your pc muscle as often as you want with intermissions of quiet and continue feeling the energy moving up spine. You can also squeeze hold your pc muscle for a few seconds as you are pushing your energy up.

You should start feeling twitches or tingles as you are doing this. Your body is reacting to you moving your energy.

Now that you have moved your energy up your head you want to move it down the front part of your body to your stomach.

You want to make sure your tongue in on the roof of the mouth. Check out this article on mouth breathing and how to have proper tongue posture. This is necessary to adopt in daily life. The reason you want to have your tongue on the roof of the mouth during this exercise (but really should be 24/7) is that it connect the energy centers of your head and your throat down to your stomach. Without the connection to the tongue you will be unable to move the energy down from your head and you will be likely to get headaches from it.

you need proper mouth posture to bring energy down to stomach

Start breathing out and as you breathe out move your eyeballs down aimed towards your stomach and imagine the energy moving down through your tongue and to your stomach. Whenever you do these exercises you always want to let your energy rest in your stomach.

That’s it. That is the way you circulate your energy.

There are higher level exercises and different ways of doing it, but this is the key one to have down and understand how to do.

When you understand and can circulate your energy via the Microcosmic Orbit you are able to absorb energy more easily from outside forces and move energy internally.

I circulate my energy often during sex, when I am grounded on the sand or grass, when I want to absorb energy from others or when I need to relax and regroup.

Anytime you start feeling the heat of sex, or masturbation. You start circulating that energy up your spine with this breathing. Slow breathing and use the PC muscle to pump the energy out of your sexual organs and up spine. You will notice you can last longer, and actually not even need to ejaculate. This is the end goal. Never ejaculating and utilizing the energy harnesses from semen retention and during sex to circulate it throughout the body.

Start circulating your energy today.

Further Reading

Books that go deep into the topic of energy circulation, cultivation of energy, and sexual side of semen retention.

  • Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy — Mantak Chia
  • The Multiorgasmic Man — Mantak Chia
  • Treatise of Sexual Alchemy — Samael Aun Weor
  • The Perfect Matrimony — Samael Aun Weor
  • The Coiled Serpent: A Philosophy of Conservation and Transmutation of Reproductive Energy — C. J. Van Vliet

