Part 1: Sexual Energy

Crypto de' Medici
7 min readJun 4, 2020

Modern society has sapped your energy.

Modern man has constant interruptions which stress the body out and take the energy that should stay within.

Modern society provides endless comfort and pleasure, putting the modern man in a state of comfortable programmed existence.

Modern society provides an abundance of pornography that is constantly taking man’s essence, his life force and destroying his sexual energy.

Modern man is unable to harness and cultivate his energy because of the structure of modern society.

Man that is able to cultivate his energy is a threat to the system.

Man that is not destroying his sexual energy is a threat to the system.

The system wants to keep you docile and low energy.

Fluoride is put into the water system to keep you docile.

Pornography and entertainment is easily available to keep you low energy.

Fight back and raise your energy.

Society wants to keep you in a state of low energy. Society wants to negate your ability to push out positive powerful frequencies.

The world improves when the energy of individuals increase.

Your life improves when you increase your energy.

Your awareness is heightened when you increase your energy.

Cultivating your energy

You’ve been allowing yourself, society, and others to take away your energy. You’ve been improperly wasting your energy and not appreciating it for decades.

Your body attempts to increase its internal energetic state, but you continue to act like a fool and destroy it any attempt you get. This constant state of exhaustion and recovery is wrecking havoc on your mental and physical state. This exhaustion and recovery energetic cycle makes you most susceptible to the programming of the System.

Respect your energy and cherish it. Give your energy the level of importance it deserves. The more respect you give your energy the more you will benefit from it and the less likely you will allow external forces to take it from you.

Sexual Energy

In the same way you need to fill your car with gasoline to have it run is the same way your body needs to create its energy to have it run.

The main method of energy creation is internal. The body can receive external energy, but the most powerful and efficient way of receiving energy is through its internal processes.

The most powerful way the body makes its energy is in the form of sexual energy. Sexual energy is what drives human to procreate, build empires, fight wars, and gives the body the internal fuel to function.

Without sexual energy the human being is likely to lose motivation, lose energy, and have no drive to shape reality.

This sexual energy is so powerful that the system understands how it can be used to sell product, sell ideas, and get the masses to do what they want for them.

Sex sells.

Sexual energy affects all parts of your body. It isn’t purely an energy for sex, but society has made us believe it is strictly for sex.

Managing this sexual energy is extremely difficult in modern society because of this sex focused programming that is pervasive.

Pornography programs humans to believe sex must always finish with ejaculation.

Hollywood programs humans to be manipulated by their sexual needs to change how they look, how they act, and what they view in society.

Media utilizes sex to push various narratives and use the shame of sex to have the masses adjust to various methods of control and manipulation.

Sexual energy has been abused for decades. It is the perfect method for control because humans have become unable to cultivate it and without cultivating it they fall for the short term pleasures and dopamine effects of releasing sexual energy.

Not having the human being cultivate their energy makes it easier to control the human. This has enormous incentives for the system as the system craves further control of the human. Further control means more profits and more money which leads to more power.

There are zero incentives for the system to provide any type of methods to incentivize the cultivation of energy, but priceless benefits are bestowed upon those that cultivate their energy.

The creation of sperm is physically taxing on the body. Much energy from various organs is diverted into making the sperm. The sperm itself is rich in energy to pass on to the potential future offspring. The quality of the sperm and the creation of it has to be at the highest level possible and the body makes sure to provide all it needs for this creation.

The sperm is rich in energy.

If you are not trying to reproduce when you do ejaculate, then the sacrifice, work and energy that went into the sperm is wasted.

The energy that could have stayed within your body is released, never to be attained again.

The sperm ejaculated is not like a boomerang that you throw and it comes back to you. The energy is forever gone.

What happens if you don’t ejaculate for an extended period of time? What happens when the energy that is in the sperm is kept within?

Many people that has gone periods of time without ejaculating will note significant differences in how they feel.

  • Deeper voice
  • Increased aggression
  • Females attracted more
  • Sexuality increases
  • Leading abilities increase

The specifics of what will change if you retain your semen for a few days or weeks will change depending on your level of cultivation and how often you have been ejaculating. The more often you have been masturbating the more obvious the effects will be. You will feel like a Gorilla that is ready to find a female and mate. Your sexual side will be raging to release. This is because you have been conditioning yourself through pornography and habitual masturbation to not be able to handle such increases in your energetic state. You haven’t been able to circulate your energy.

As you begin to circulate your energy and become more aware of your energetic state, the physical effects of semen retention will be less pronounced and the more subtle fundamental affects will begin to manifest themselves.

You don’t take shit from people, you are a leader in the way you act and think, you love yourself, you become more sensitive to energy, you attract people, you become more able to connect to your intuition, you cherish nature.

There are plenty more subtle benefits that become ingrained in your being when you begin to retain your semen and start benefitting from the immense amount of energy your balls and body creates for reproduction.

When you stop masturbation and ejaculating your body begins to absorb the sperm and the energy back into the system. You benefit greatly from this and it shows in the way you begin to live your life.

The key to retaining your semen is twofold:

  1. You need to understand how valuable sperm is to your body and the exertion that it requires to make it. Valuing your sperm is a fundamental stage to adopting semen retention and beginning to cultivate your energy.
  2. You need to begin to circulate your energy. Semen retention will leave you with significant amounts of internal energy that requires circulating it throughout the body. Without circulation, you will be unable to handle the energy that is trapped within your balls and make you likely to ejaculate. Circulation of energy is vital to properly harnessing the energy your body is creating.

Beginning to remove your addiction to pornography is necessary to stopping the energy destroying habit of masturbation.

Pornography is free and plentiful, but it provides no benefits. It is destructive and warps your view of women.

You must create incentives and mechanisms to remove this addiction because it is destroying your energy and programming you into an individual that gets off on seeing others get pleasure. This is cuck behavior that subconsciously falls into other facets of life.

If you understand the power and value of your sperm you will begin to come up with strategies to get over this addiction.

As you start removing your addiction to pornography you will begin to lessen the grip that masturbation has on your life. You will begin to view masturbation as nothing more than a short dopamine fueled act that destroys your energy and leaves you feeling less.

Cultivating your sexual energy via semen retention is foundational to energy cultivation. Without it you will be destroying your energy more than cultivating it.

Awakening is a destructive process

In Part 2: Semen Retention

I will be talking about how to retain your semen, how to get rid of your addiction to masturbation, and building the foundation to begin to cultivate your energy.

