When coronavirus vaccine?

Modern science is noise.

Crypto de' Medici
2 min readJun 10, 2020


What a pathetic existence one must have to make decisions based off what random “scientists” have conducted experiments on rather than your intuition.

We have reached a state of lunacy where random human beings provide more legitimacy than your own being.

You listen to a propaganda mouth piece called the Mainstream Media publicize scientific studies done by random unknown people.

Instead of listening to your being. You blindly believe the system.

The system that has made obesity normal, that has overdrugged the population with psychoactive drugs, and that has provided the healthcare industry will hundreds of billions in profits.

You must understand incentives to understand the rotten corruption that is inherent in healthcare.

When you understand the corruption in healthcare, you might start questioning the Mainstream narratives pushed by the media when it relates to “science.”

When you understand the corruption in the system, you might start to realize the whole system is meant to disinform, control, and manipulate you.

Who is going to save you? Nobody.

The only thing that can save you is your intuition.

When you are being bombarded by the programming of the system you will be able to find your path. Your intuition will tell you what is right and wrong.

Without your intuition you will be at the whims of the system, falling for the noise that is science.

Science has become completely corrupted by the Pharmaceutical industry that funds the research and pushes out the experiments that benefit its own interests. The media which is funded by Pharmaceutical advertising promotes these studies and convinces the masses to adopt whatever state of being best benefits the system.

If science was so great, if the healthcare system cared about its patients, why is America at such a bad mental and physical state?

Because the system benefits greatly by a weakened and chronically sick populace.

Science is noise.

You must embrace your intuition, listen to your being. You know what is right and wrong. Not the doctor that sees you every once in a blue moon nor the Google search that is manipulated to feed into the Pharmaceutical coffers.

This does not mean you completely disregard science or healthcare, but that you cannot blindly listen to it. You must make your health your priority. Read books, talk with knowledgable people, and understand what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. At the same time beginning to listen to your intuition.

The addiction to science will worsen your health. The noise is great and it’s all used to manipulate you. Without the proper intuitive powers, you will fall into the trap the system has created.

Next time someone asks for scientific research backing your intuitive claims and make you start questioning your being.

Remember… science is noise.

