Crypto Ideology

Crypto de' Medici
13 min readApr 21, 2019


Crypto is subject to intense psychological manipulation given the strength ideologies exert on users.

One of the best ways to trade and invest in crypto is understanding narratives and ideology. Cryptocurrencies are ideologies that go up or down based on narratives. If you see cryptocurrencies as ideologies you are able to observe how the ideas play out within those ideologies and how narratives can provide legitimacy or disrupt ideologies.

The more a community grows around a project the more it demands a way to upkeep and build up stories that unite everyone. Without stories you are left with a fragmented and easily disrupted community. Any project that wants to succeed will not succeed with a weak community.

Cryptocurrencies demand strong community and beliefs. Individuals that are invested in an asset are incentivized to buy into the ideas and beliefs that make up the ideology of the cryptocurrency.

The incentives of the individual are tied to strengthening its relationship to the ideology. There is a financial interest in the mental investment of the ideology.

The stronger the attraction to the ideology the deeper the individual is tempted to move towards building a mental relationship with the asset.

This is why investing with an understanding of ideologies, development of narratives, and future trends can reap significant rewards.

Crypto investing is a psychological endeavor rather than a technical endeavor.

Importance of Ideology and Narratives

The importance of ideology and narratives within projects is already becoming apparent. Subconsciously it has always been important, but projects are now beginning to realize that they need to begin to tend and grow the ideology of their projects.

This realization of the importance of ideology and narratives will drive money and attention towards creating frameworks and mechanisms that foster beliefs and strengthen the way an individual interacts with projects. Known as gamification.

The majority of projects that have been successful up to this point stumbled upon building ideologies within crypto projects. The belief in digital gold, the belief in web 3, the belief in world computer. Now is when these projects, companies, and any entity involved in the crypto space will begin to work towards facilitating and proving value towards building ideologies.

The ability to manipulate ideologies and build narratives within the crypto space is both exciting and worrisome.

It is exciting because we will speed up the development of cryptocurrency projects with the psychological devotion that communities will have. This devotion will be showcased in development of the cryptocurrency, building value for users, buying the asset, creating memes for it, funding development, etc. The strength of communities will grow and with it the influence that it will have in the world.

It is worrisome because this will open up the ability to manipulate and take advantage of the relationship individuals have with the ideology of a project. The stronger the ideology of a project the more manipulated the individual can become. While projects may have the best intentions for building up their ideology they can inadvertently create ideologies that are completely detached from the founding of the project.

The ability to hijack an ideology and maneuver it towards the direction one wants is possible and will happen.

The fervor of ideology will have the similar fate as the cryptocurrency market has had since its inception. Periods of euphoria, periods of desolation, and periods of rebuilding.

Crypto Ideology Will Transcend Crypto

Buying into a cryptocurrency is buying into an ideology.

It does not matter if you bought $1 or $100,000 of an asset, you will still be impacted by the ideology of the cryptocurrency. Immediately you become biased to the reasons for buying the cryptocurrency and your brain will begin to create reasons for continuing to hold it.

The incentives of the individual holding the cryptocurrency is to strengthen its relationship to the ideology of the cryptocurrency.

The incentives of the cryptocurrency is to strengthen its relationship to the individual holding the cryptocurrency.

Aligned incentives makes for a powerful relationship.

This powerful relationship will transcend crypto.

The ideology of the cryptocurrency will blend into political, financial and social ideology. Individuals will begin to adopt viewpoints that are shared with those of the same cryptocurrency ideology.

Bitcoin has the strongest ideology of the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin maximalists are the most devoted followers of this ideology. They believe bitcoin is the one and only cryptocurrency that will survive and thrive. This belief is constantly reinforced in the echo chamber that the most prominent bitcoin maximalists have created for themselves.

You cannot question a bitcoin maximalist. You merely observe them.

There are obvious variations of bitcoin maximalism, bitcoin ideology, and ideologies that are influenced by bitcoin ideology. There is not a set thing that makes you part of the ideology or not, instead it’s a wave of influence that flows. The power of the wave changing depending on the circumstances.

Because bitcoin has the strongest ideology it is able to show market observers the future of other cryptocurrencies and the development of ideology.

The ideology of bitcoin has been organically created and is not able to be managed in a centralized fashion like other cryptocurrency projects will be able to do. This has made it even more fascination of an observation as it’s the market making its own ideology.

In recent years the ideology has begun to expand past the cryptocurrency space. This is a natural progression of a strong ideology. Members of the ideology begin to meet in person, make friends, and share things in common. The need to become friends and close to people of the same ideology is too strong an attraction to resist.

Like in any tribe, there will be the leaders and the followers. Leaders begin to find ways to get the group to move in their direction while keeping the core tenants of the tribe intact. This has lead bitcoin maximalism to have various influences throughout the years.

More recently two big examples have been firearms and carnivory. These have been displayed on Twitter which is the center of crypto online.


Jameson Lopp, a famous bitcoiner, is always happy to show his guns

The pull to support and embrace firearms is strong in the bitcoin ideology. Bitcoin attracts people that take responsibility over their life and want to free themselves from systems like fiat and banks. This responsibility over their life leads to defending themselves and not relying on the state to provide protection. Firearms is the way they defend themselves.

The American bias is obvious due to the right to bear arms, but it flows perfectly with bitcoin’s ideology. While there are significant push back against these beliefs by people within the ideology, there is a strong attraction towards adopting such beliefs and pushing them.

Famous bitcoiner expressing his views on firearms and bitcoin safe keeping

Firearms push has been subtle with occasional obvious displays of it. The narratives surrounding firearms will persist and grow in strength. The more it grows the more of an impact it will have in the minds of bitcoin maximalists and others influenced by the sphere of influence bitcoin ideology holds.

You enter bitcoin ideology not having a strong opinion on firearms and before you know it you will be supporting the right to bear arms.

Crypto ideology transcending crypto.


Meet bitcoiners and eat steaks

This one is a bit more strange, but that’s what makes it fascinating.

Paleo diet in the last few years has become more widespread and popular. Paleo diet tries to mimic the diet that our ancestors would have eaten. The diet consists mostly of protein followed by fats, nuts, plants, little carbohydrates, no sugar, little fruit, etc. The belief is that our bodies are better adapted to a diet that cavemen and hunter gatherers were eating than the modern day diets of heavy carbs and sugar.

Carnivory is an extreme form of the paleo diet. This diet focuses almost exclusively on eating meat and fats.

Carnivore diet is popular in bitcoin circles

Many influencers in the bitcoin community have begun to adopt this diet and push others to do the same. They are vocal about their meat heavy diet and connect it to their bitcoin ideology.

People, especially influencers, when they get excited about something they want others to pick it up as well. Diets are ideologies that provide comfort and structure on how to eat. Carnivore diet has a strong fan base and people see results rapidly because of a move away from carbohydrates and sugars. Regardless of ones belief of the validity of the diet, the psychological underpinning of the diet make people want to get others to try it and adopt it.

The reason people within bitcoin ideology push carnivory is because they want to tell their friends and have them adopt it. Bitcoin maximalists are their friends even if they don’t know them personally or have never met them in person. If you share the same belief in such a strong ideology as bitcoin then you are more easily able to be convinced to adopt such a diet or at least try it out.

What started off as people talking about this diet lead to thought leaders within bitcoin ideology hosting steak dinners. These steak dinners combined carnivory with bitcoin.

These events are great ways to build friendships and share in common two things (bitcoin and carnivory)

Understandably there is always push back from people when these carnivory is pushed alongside bitcoin and when there are steak dinners because they don’t see the connection between meat and bitcoin. Usually these people are vegetarians or subscribe to a more “normal” way of eating. Regardless of this pushback, the pull for others in the bitcoin ideology to adopt this type of diet is strong and even stronger when these steak dinners continue to happen.

A person might not start eating only meat today or tomorrow, but subconsciously the attempt to make them adopt such a diet is in the works.

People that love bitcoin are now beginning to love carnivory.

Steak Rules Everything Around Me.

Crypto ideology transcending crypto.

Tribal Warfare

The stronger the crypto ideology the less open to opposing ideas and the more willing to attack perceived threats.

Bitcoin maximalists are fervent in their fight against cryptocurrency scams, and in pushing their belief that only bitcoin will survive and thrive.

The belief that everything else is a scam and only bitcoin is real creates a hostile ideology that disregards logic and reason.

Bitcoin maximalism is the type of belief similar to a religious belief.

You believe that your God is the one true God and anyone that believes otherwise is a heretic that needs to burn at the stake or convert.

Burn the heretics

Bitcoin maximalism rampant accusations of others as scammers is the way they further embed their ideology internally and signal their loyalty to others.

Bitcoin ideology is always ready to attack other projects if the opportunity presents itself and just recently the opportunity was presented with Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.

Bitcoin ideology is angry that Bitcoin Satoshi Vision are using their branding and consider themselves as the true bitcoin.

Craig Wright, one of the leaders of Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, has been saying he is Satoshi Nakamoto for the last few years which has caused even more anger amongst bitcoin ideology.

Satoshi Nakamoto is a God to bitcoin maximalists. It’s an anonymous thing that created their ideology. They have built this utopian vision of who and what Satoshi Nakamoto is. Many believe that Satoshi is this all knowing and kind being. When they see an erratic and aggressive Craig Wright claiming to be Satoshi, it angers them profusely.

Craig and Calvin (friend involved with BSV) began going after people within the bitcoin community for libel. This blew open the rage that had been building up against Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.

Bitcoin community, already hating Craig and Calvin, went wild and began attacking back.

Bitcoin community begins to attack Bitcoin Satoshi Vision where it believes it will hurt them most which is their access to exchanges.

CZ who runs Binance begins to notice the sentiment and the comments about the actions of these two individuals associated with Bitcoin Satoshi Vision.

CZ, who begrudgingly added BSV earlier, decides to win the backing on the bitcoin ideology and joins in the outrage. Threatening to delist BSV if these two individuals continue their attack on the followers of bitcoin ideology.

CZ’s comments get overwhelming support from bitcoin maximalists to delist BSV and decides to follow through.

Everyone rejoices and BSV delisting trend begins. Organizations and companies within crypto see the benefit of tending to the mob. The mob grows in strength and astute individuals begin to take advantage of it.

More companies follow along and delist BSV to prove their allegiance to bitcoin ideology.

Kraken doing a twitter poll to delist an asset. Mob loving it.

The ability for companies and entities to reason and be calm is thrown out the window in order to win the temporary acceptance of the mob.

Mob Mentality and Ideology of Making Money

Crypto ideology is powerful and when it gets momentum it turns into a mob. This mob is manipulated towards the goals and ideas of the main ideology of influencers.

Companies have begun to take advantage of this mob mentality by tending to it on social media and with their company moves.

The more that is studied in narrative development and crypto ideology the more easily the mob mentality will become manipulated by various actors in the space.

Understanding the tics of the market and the various ideologies will be a major source of power that can lead to changes in trends and shifts in ideology consciousness.

The crypto market while ideologically strong, it is also filled with many fickle people.

Many subscribe to ideologies like bitcoin, but they hold their allegiance to a larger ideology.

The ideology of making money.

This ideology will supersede the ties that this large group has with the various strong crypto ideologies and pull them to be more perceptible to mob mentality and the hijacking of narratives.

The more emotional the mob gets the more irrational the things it begins to think and begins to do.

Individuals within the mob begin to act irrationally and constantly asses how their views align with the mob.

When forces, from within or outside, begin to manipulate it and steer it in the direction of their choosing the mob begins to be used against itself rather than for the reason it started in the beginning.

This type of behavior is built up via cycles. Cycles of intense involvement followed by relaxed state. During intense involvement there is a higher need to pledge allegiance to the ideology.

Failure to pledge allegiance to the ideology results in social isolation and pressure to conform.

The ability to have an opposing opinion different from the mob becomes unable to be broadcasted and censorship of other ideas becomes necessary.

If you don’t agree with them or even go against them they respond with anger and throw the mob at you.

Ideology Management

Ideologies within crypto will be managed by the influencers and movers of the space. The wild west of ideological battles will rage in the next few years. As the crypto space begins to develop and consolidate in power the power players will begin to have a larger influence in manipulation the ideologies and narratives.

This manipulation will be necessary in keeping the mob mentality of crypto ideologies in check and moving them towards profitable means.

There will be many bad actors that will take advantage of the mob mentality and ideologies in crypto.

There will need to be good actors that will safeguard and maintain the balance of the mob mentality and ideologies in crypto.

This will take a while to happen.

In the near future we will have companies, organizations, projects, individuals and many other actors continue to build their influence and use it for personal means.


Cryptocurrencies rely on ideologies to maintain and grow their influence.

As ideologies grow in power and influence they will have considerable control over the members of those ideologies. The control exerted on these followers will be aimed at competing ideologies, projects, narratives, individuals, ideas and any type of thing that can be of benefit or a threat to the ideology.

Humans will be manipulated fully via their allegiance to the ideology through continuous repetition of idea, chants, beliefs, and ideas that will make them closed off from competing ideologies and make them likely to fight back if a threat is perceived against their view.

This manipulation that will exist from the community that is built around crypto ideologies will be able to be used by astute individuals, projects, governments, companies, and other entities that see value in pushing the emotional community in the direction they want.

The ability to profit from understanding ideologies, narratives, and trends in the crypto space will be highly valuable and desired.

There will be much value gained from being able to understand the mob mentality that exists within crypto ideologies, controlling/manipulating parts of the crypto ideologies, and analyzing future possible moves by these groups.

The most important thing that you can do as an individual is to see all ideologies as manipulative belief systems that will take you along if you don’t stay aware of its influence.

You want to be an observer and try to limit yourself from falling prey to any of these ideologies.

Being an observer of ideologies and narratives will provide you with the perspective to spot and perceive changes in the psychological system that will open opportunities to profit and benefit.

Becoming a member of these ideologies will cloud your ability to see reality.

Observe, and study. Stay detached in the age of crypto ideology.



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