Coronavirus is bullshit
Millions will die. Economy needs to be closed for months, potentially more than a year. Staying indoors and not leaving is necessary. Close down all businesses. Financially destroy the lives of millions.
The American public has been sold a bag of goods. The international community has been sold a bag of goods.
The media has played the public like it always does.
The media are whores to the highest bidders.
The media is whoring themselves right now.
In a time where the masses are worried and stressed out about their welfare and financial situation due to the Coronavirus, the media is busy instilling fear and furthering their stress. Little of what the media is pushing onto the masses is accurate.
There are larger narratives and agendas that are being pushed on the masses.
“Never let a tragedy go to waste”
In the immediate nature the media benefits financially during a pandemic scare such as Coronavirus by getting more people to tune in and watch television. Ratings increase significantly and media can sell advertising for higher. When you are able to captivate the attention of the masses you are able to exercise significantly more control, brainwashing, and messaging that moves the masses in an easier direction.
Imagine the masses as sheep on a large field.
These masses are going on their own ways, sporadically bunching up together. This nature of sheep make it difficult to keep them together. They move around aimlessly.
During a time like a pandemic there is the potential to create significant emotional power around events and stories, the system is able to more easily control the sheep and bring them together.
When you bring the sheep together you can make them all move in the direction you desire. This makes enacting large scale systems much easier and passing systems that would normally not be tolerated in other circumstances.
The media, being the whores, are obediently doing what they can to increase the emotional power of the Coronavirus. Making it much easier to move the sheep around and practice the art of domination for present and future psychological operations.
What is happening with Coronavirus is a psychological operation.
Psychological Operation:
The term is used “to denote any action which is practiced mainly by psychological methods with the aim of evoking a planned psychological reaction in other people”.
Coronavirus is being aimed at evoking a planned psychological reaction in masses all over the world. The media plays an extremely important role in this psychological operation as they are the ones that can attract the most attention and push narratives into the psyche of the masses.
The origins of what exactly is Coronavirus and where it came from is not as important as how Coronavirus is being used to control the masses.
Is Coronavirus a bioweapon? Probably.
Instead of fixating on the underlying reason of the virus, you need to observe the present and how the system is using Coronavirus to control and manipulate the flock of sheep in the direction of choosing.
There are far larger games being played that would be difficult to comprehend.
What you need to focus on is the massive manipulation that is happening in front of you.
The information you are digesting on Coronavirus is created and pushed completely by the Mainstream Media. The Media is pushing your sheep mind in the direction it wants to push you.
The psychological operation is being executed with you as the participant.
Believing and taking as fact what the media pushes into your psyche is the best way to get the wrong information and to make decisions that are not beneficial to your sanity and well being.
It is extremely difficult to separate yourself from the grips of control that the media and the system has on you during these moments. This is why psychological operations are best planned and executed in these moments.
The Media Will Be Wrong Again..
You have seen all the scaremongering. You are scared. You are worried.
The media will be wrong again..
The charts, numbers, statistics, talking heads, videos, pictures, all of the content that you are digesting to make you fearful and make you submit to the system will end up being manipulated and wrong.
The media is never held accountable for the control it possesses and takes advantage of during these times because the media is the whore of the Mainstream. It is the microphone and propaganda arm of the control complex that exists in our reality.
It does not care about keeping you sane. It does not care about keeping you safe. It does not care about you.
The media helps to push the narratives that benefit the power structure in executing their Psychological Operations on the masses.
Coronavirus is a real virus. People are dying. But instead of worrying about a small virus in relation to many other viruses present in the population you should be observing and focusing on the Psychological Operations being performed on you, your family, your community, and society as a whole.
The negative economic, societal, and cultural impacts that are being inflicted on the population. The system is taking advantage of you in moments when you are at your most fearful and weakest.
This is the moment. This is when you need to be stronger than ever and this is when you need to not be believing all the lies being pushed by the media.
Coronavirus is a completely overhyped virus that is being used to perform psychological operations on the masses and enact systems in place for larger plans that have been playing out for decades if not hundreds of years.
Coronavirus is bullshit..
In the next few months we will see the media back track their scaremongering inducing figures out horrible deaths and infections.
In the next few months we will see a great economic recovery that take us out of this fear induced state of panic and into relief and happiness.
In the next few months we will realize that Coronavirus was not as bad as previously stated.
Anything can change. If Coronavirus is a bioweapon, it can be manipulated and unleashed again onto the masses. What this whole event showed is that it is much easier to unleash a bioweapon onto the masses in order to get them to submit. In order to enact laws, regulations, and systems in place to control them further. Climate Change was a narrative pushed to make the masses submit, but masses submit much easier to bioweapons.
But when the media tells you the world is ending, millions will die, economy will crash, orange man bad, and hospitals are being overcrowded.. that’s when you call bullshit and begin to see the world in the opposite way.
If you can observe the manipulation at work, you can figure out ways to benefit from the distortion of reality and this panic induced state society is currently involved in.
The fastest way towards seeing reality for what it is comes from one’s intuition. Intuition will show you reality. This requires switching your mode from energy destruction to energy cultivation. My upcoming book will delve into this topic and show you how to begin to cultivate your energy and connect to your intuition. Intuition is your superpower.
Start seeing reality today, distrust the authority figures that tell you to trust them, and begin to connect with your intuition.
Follow me on twitter Crypto de' Medici for future updates on my cultivation of energy book.