Redefining AlphaAlpha is connected directly to the Most High. Alpha is a high vibrational being.2d ago2d ago
Toe JumpsToe walking is an evolution from heel striking. Toe jumping empowers your body and builds a strong potent thriving lower body.3d ago3d ago
7 Months of Toe WalkingI began toe walking July 2024 after receiving a download from the Most High.Feb 27Feb 27
Mainstream Societal BeliefsThe masses do the bidding of the power structure, continuing to keep safe the Mainstream societal beliefs that keep global elites in power.Oct 16, 20205Oct 16, 20205
Esoteric Book RecommendationsThe world begins to make sense when you read these books.Sep 20, 20202Sep 20, 20202
Your internal energyThe supernatural has been stripped from humans, and we have been programmed to believe there is nothing inherently special or supernatural…Aug 24, 2020Aug 24, 2020
Part 3: Energy CirculationSqueeze your PC muscle and push the energy from your balls up your spine. Absorb the immense energy our body creates and feel its power.Aug 1, 20201Aug 1, 20201
Part 2: Semen RetentionSemen retention is the cornerstone to energy cultivationJul 17, 20203Jul 17, 20203
Modern science is noise.Without embracing your intuition, the noise will eat you alive.Jun 10, 2020Jun 10, 2020